Online Blackjack Surrender Strategy

Published: August 10, 2012

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Many software providers include in some of their blackjack variants an option known as surrender. Newbie players tend to ignore this option or they use it incorrectly. The fact is that the optimum surrender strategy reduces the house edge by 0.08%. Though this appears to be insignificant at first glance it does make a difference in the long run.

The surrender option works essentially as follows. After seeing his dealt cards and the dealer’s face up card, the player can surrender his hand. He will then be returned half the wagered amount. There are two types of surrender moves, late surrender and early surrender. Late surrender is available in American blackjack variants. Here before the option is made available to the player, if the dealer’s face up card is a ten or an ace he checks for blackjack. If he has a blackjack then the player loses without being given a chance to exercise the surrender option. However, if the dealer does not have a blackjack the player can surrender his hand. Early surrender is available in European blackjack variants. Because the hole card is not dealt, the dealer does not check for blackjack and the player can surrender immediately. Another facet to be kept in mind is that blackjack optimum surrender strategy has been devised through computer simulation. To some extent it can be understood but ultimately it has to be memorized.

The main condition, as per the optimum blackjack strategy, for the player to surrender is that the dealer’s face up card is a nine, a ten value card or an ace. This stands to reason because these cards are very likely to give the dealer a strong hand. However, the player may also have a chance for a strong hand, and therefore it is not advisable to always surrender and lose half the wager without a fight under these conditions. Whether the player should actually surrender or not depends on the hand value the player holds and the dealer’s rule for hitting or standing.

The optimum surrender strategy for multi deck online blackjack variants is being described below. The strategy for single deck variants is slightly different. However, single deck blackjack games are rarely offered. When the dealer has to stand on soft 17 and the dealer has a ten value face up card, the player should surrender only if he has a hand value of 15 or 16. In this case if the dealer has a nine value face up card or an ace, the player should surrender only if he has a hand value of 16.

If the house rules prescribe that the dealer has to hit on soft 17, the dealer has an added advantage and therefore the optimum blackjack strategy requires that the player should surrender more often. In this case if the dealer has an ace, the player should surrender only if he has a hand value of 15, 16 or 17. If the dealer has a ten value face up card, the player should surrender only if he has a hand value of 15 or 16. If the dealer has a nine, the player should surrender only if he has a hand value of 16.


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